Command line documentation

All commands come with a short explanation when appended with -h/--help.

$ genomepy --help
Usage: genomepy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  annotation  show 1st lines of each annotation
  clean       remove provider data
  config      manage configuration
  genomes     list available genomes
  install     install a genome & run active plugins
  plugin      manage plugins
  providers   list available providers
  search      search for genomes

Search genomes & gene annotations

Let’s say we want to download a Xenopus tropicalis genome & gene annotation. First, lets find out what’s out there!

You can search by name, taxonomy ID or assembly accession ID. Additionally, you can limit the search result to one provider with -p/--provider. Furthermore, you can get the absolute --size of each genome (this option slows down the search).

$ genomepy search xenopus tro
name                       provider    accession           tax_id    annotation     species               other_info
                                                                      n r e k
Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1    Ensembl     GCA_000004195.3       8364                  Xenopus tropicalis    2019-04-Ensembl/2019-12
xenTro1                    UCSC        na                    8364               Xenopus tropicalis    Oct. 2004 (JGI 3.0/xenTro1)
xenTro2                    UCSC        na                    8364               Xenopus tropicalis    Aug. 2005 (JGI 4.1/xenTro2)
xenTro3                    UCSC        GCA_000004195.1       8364               Xenopus tropicalis    Nov. 2009 (JGI 4.2/xenTro3)
xenTro7                    UCSC        GCA_000004195.2       8364               Xenopus tropicalis    Sep. 2012 (JGI 7.0/xenTro7)
xenTro9                    UCSC        GCA_000004195.3       8364               Xenopus tropicalis    Jul. 2016 (Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1/xenTro9)
Xtropicalis_v7             NCBI        GCF_000004195.2       8364                  Xenopus tropicalis    DOE Joint Genome Institute
Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1    NCBI        GCF_000004195.3       8364                  Xenopus tropicalis    DOE Joint Genome Institute
UCB_Xtro_10.0              NCBI        GCF_000004195.4       8364                  Xenopus tropicalis    University of California, Berkeley
ASM1336827v1               NCBI        GCA_013368275.1       8364                  Xenopus tropicalis    Southern University of Science and Technology
 Use name for genomepy install

Inspect gene annotations

Let’s say we want to download the Xenopus tropicalis genome & gene annotation from UCSC.

Since we are interested in the gene annotation as well, we should check which gene annotation suits our needs. As you can see in the search results, UCSC has several gene annotations for us to choose from. In the search results, n r e k denotes which UCSC annotations are available. These stand for ncbiRefSeq, refGene, ensGene and knownGene, respectively.

We can quickly inspect these with the genomepy annotation command:

$ genomepy annotation xenTro9 -p ucsc
12:04:41 | INFO | UCSC ncbiRefSeq
chr1    genomepy        transcript      133270  152620  .       -       .       gene_id "LOC100490505"; transcript_id "XM_012956089.1";  gene_name "LOC100490505";
chr1    genomepy        exon    133270  134186  .       -       .       gene_id "LOC100490505"; transcript_id "XM_012956089.1"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "XM_012956089.1.1"; gene_name "LOC100490505";
12:04:45 | INFO | UCSC refGene
chr1    genomepy        transcript      193109390       193134311       .       +       .       gene_id "pias2"; transcript_id "NM_001078987";  gene_name "pias2";
chr1    genomepy        exon    193109390       193109458       .       +       .       gene_id "pias2"; transcript_id "NM_001078987"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "NM_001078987.1"; gene_name "pias2";
12:04:49 | INFO | UCSC ensGene
chr1    genomepy        transcript      133270  152620  .       -       .       gene_id "ENSXETG00000030302.2"; transcript_id "ENSXETT00000061673.2";  gene_name "ENSXETG00000030302.2";
chr1    genomepy        exon    133270  134186  .       -       .       gene_id "ENSXETG00000030302.2"; transcript_id "ENSXETT00000061673.2"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "ENSXETT00000061673.2.1"; gene_name "ENSXETG00000030302.2";

Here we can see that the refGene annotation has actual HGNC gene names, so lets go with this annotation. This differs between assemblies, so be sure to check!

Install a genome & gene annotation

Copy the name returned by the search function to install.

$ genomepy install xenTro9

You can choose to download gene annotation files with the -a/--annotation option.

$ genomepy install xenTro9 --annotation

For UCSC we can also select the annotation type. See genomepy install --help for all provider specific options.

$ genomepy install xenTro9 --UCSC-annotation refGene

Since we did not specify the provider here, genomepy will use the first provider with xenTro9. You can specify a provider by name with -p/--provider:

$ genomepy install xenTro9 -p UCSC
Downloading genome from
Genome download successful, starting post processing...

name: xenTro9
local name: xenTro9
fasta: ~/.local/share/genomes/xenTro9/xenTro9.fa

Next, the genome is downloaded to the directory specified in the config file (by default ~/.local/share/genomes). To choose a different directory, use the -g/--genomes_dir option:

$ genomepy install sacCer3 -p UCSC -g /path/to/my/genomes
Downloading genome from
Genome download successful, starting post processing...

name: sacCer3
local name: sacCer3
fasta: /path/to/my/genomes/sacCer3/sacCer3.fa

Regex, masking & compression

You can use a regular expression to filter for matching sequences (or non-matching sequences by using the -n/--no-match option). For instance, the following command downloads hg38 and saves only the major chromosomes:

$ genomepy install hg38 -p UCSC -r 'chr[0-9XY]+$'
Downloading genome from from
Genome download successful, starting post processing...

name: hg38
local name: hg38
fasta: /data/genomes/hg38/hg38.fa

$ grep ">" /data/genomes/hg38/hg38.fa

By default, genome sequences are soft-masked (ACgtN). Use -m hard for hard masking (ACNNN), or -m none for no masking (ACGTN).

$ genomepy install hg38 --mask hard

If you wish to conserve space, you can tell genomepy to compress the downloaded data by passing the -b/--bgzip option. See Configuration for details.

$ genomepy install hg38 --bgzip

Other providers (any URL/local files)

To use assemblies not on NCBI, UCSC, Ensembl or GENCODE, you can give a URL instead of a name, together with --provider URL. Similarly, if you have a local FASTA file, you can install this using the filepath, together with --provider Local:

$ genomepy install -p url\Hm105_Dovetail_Assembly_1.0.fa.gz

This will install the genome under the filename of the URL/filepath, but can be changed with the -l/--localname option.

If you add the --annotation flag, genomepy will search the (remote) directory for an annotation file as well. Should this fail, you can also add a URL to the annotation with --URL-to-annotation with the URL provider, or a filepath with --Local-path-to-annotation with the Local provider:

$ genomepy install -p local /path/to/genome.fa --Local-path-to-annotation /path/to/gene.annotation.gtf


All selected options are stored in a README.txt. This includes the original name, download location and other genomepy operations (such as regex filtering and time).


Plugins are optional steps that are executed after installing an assembly with genomepy install. If you already installed an assembly, you can activate a plugin and rerun the install command. This will not overwrite your local files, unless you use the --force option.

Check which plugins are enabled with genomepy plugin list.

Genome blacklists

For some model organisms, genomepy can download a genome blacklist (generated by the Kundaje lab). Blacklists are only available for these model organisms when downloaded from UCSC, and for the human and mouse genomes.

Enable the blacklist plugin to use it:

$ genomepy plugin enable blacklist
Enabled plugins: blacklist

Aligner indexes

You can also create aligner indexes for several widely used aligners. Currently, genomepy supports:

These programs are not installed by genomepy and need to be installed separately for the indexing to work. The easiest way to do so is with conda, e.g.: conda install -c bioconda bwa star

Splice-aware indexing (required for e.g. RNA-seq) can be performed by STAR and Hisat2. This will be done automatically if the gene annotation was downloaded as well. Finally, STAR can further improve mapping to (novel) splice junctions by indexing again (see 2-pass mapping mode in the STAR manual). The second pass is not supported by genomepy.

You can configure the index creation with genomepy plugin enable, e.g.:

$ genomepy plugin enable bwa star
Enabled plugins: blacklist, bwa, star

You can pass the number of threads to use for aligner index creation with genomepy install --threads (default is 8).


All defaults can be overwritten on the command line and in Python. However, you can create & edit the config file to change the default settings (full description):

$ genomepy config generate
Created config file ~/.config/genomepy/genomepy.yaml

Genome location

By default, genomes will be saved in ~/.local/share/genomes.

To set the default genome directory, to /data/genomes for instance, edit ~/.config/genomepy/genomepy.yaml and change the following line:

genomes_dir: /data/genomes


Genome FASTA files can be stored using bgzip compression. This means that the FASTA files will take up less space on disk. Set the following line to your config file:

bgzip: True

Most tools are able to use bgzip-compressed genome files. One notable exception is bedtools getfasta. As an alternative, you can use the faidx command-line script from pyfaidx which comes installed with genomepy.

List available providers

$ genomepy providers

List available genomes

You can constrain the genome list by using the -p/--provider option to search only a specific provider. Additionally, you can get the absolute --size of each genome (this option slows down the search).

$ genomepy genomes -p UCSC
name                    provider    accession          tax_id     annotation     species                                     other_info
                                                                   n r e k
ailMel1                 UCSC        GCF_000004335.2      9646                Ailuropoda melanoleuca                      Dec. 2009 (BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1)
allMis1                 UCSC        GCA_000281125.1      8496                Alligator mississippiensis                  Aug. 2012 (allMis0.2/allMis1)
anoCar1                 UCSC        na                  28377                Anolis carolinensis                         Feb. 2007 (Broad/anoCar1)

Local cache.

Note that the first time you run genomepy search or list the command will take a while as the genome lists have to be downloaded. The lists are cached locally, which will save time later. The cached files are stored in ~/.cache/genomepy and expire after 7 days (so they stay up to date). This expiration time can be changed in the config file. You can also delete this directory to clean the cache using genomepy clean.