13. Motifs in DNase I peaksΒΆ
Exercise 13.1
The exercise for this week is to compare the relation between transcription factor motif presence and DNase I signal in different cell types.
The result of your code should be a figure like the following (the values here are not real, but only shown for illustrative purposes):
This heatmap shows, for every cell type and motif combination, the difference of the mean signal for regions with a motif compared to regions without a motif.
In the directory /vol/cursus/CFB/dnase_motifs/
you will find two files:
In addition, the human genome (version hg38) is present here:
The file DNase_table.tsv
looks like this:
This tab-separated file contains DNase I signals for six hematopoietic cell types in 10,000 genomic regions. The DNase I reads were counted, log2 transformed and normalized by scaling.
The file motifs.txt
contains the name and consensus sequence for seven motifs.
Retrieving sequences from a genome FASTA file.
You can use the pyfaidx
module to retrieve specific sequences from a FASTA file based on genomic coordinates. See the documentation of the module here.
First, you create a FASTA object.
from pyfaidx import Fasta
genome = Fasta("my_genome.fa")
Then, you can retrieve sequences in a dictionary-like approach.
my_seq = genome["chr2"][5000000:5000020]
Think about your approach before you start writing code! You will have to:
scan sequences with the motif consensus sequences;
determine, for every motif, which sequences have a match to the motif;
calculate the mean signal, depending on the motif occurrence;
calculate the difference in mean signal of sequences with a motif match and without a motif match.
Make a correlation plot of the DNase signal in these hematopoietic cel types? Is this what you expect?
Which motifs are specific for certain cell types?
Does this agree with the literature?